Wednesday, August 10, 2011

David's Landscaping

I was asked by a friend of mine to work on a logo for a client of hers (who is also a church member). He owns a landscaping company and he needed a brand identity for his business so I decided to help.

Yes to Myself!

Being a college graduate is a Great thing but the downfall to that is diving into the real world. Trying to find a job is exhausting especially in this economy. So I have been doing a couple of side jobs here and there to help the time past and to gain a couple of dollars but I think it is just time to do it big. I am preparing to start my very own business as well as prepare for graduate school. I'm tired of being told no so I am going to say yes to myself. I have decided to call my design business.... (drum roll) "LovelyCreative" Even though I have a long way to go, I am confident in myself to succeed.